SC-90 — Soilmec North America


WEIGHT              205030 lb*

POWER               630 hp

LIFT CAP.           198416 LB*

line PULL         66768 lbf*

MAX boom        184 FT*

DMS                     STANDARD


The SC-90 is a heavy duty crawler crane which has been completely redesigned to include the latest Tier 4 engines, providing more power and efficiency than ever before. Also new to the SC-90 is a larger, quieter, and more comfortable cab, including Soilmec's latest DMS system for cutting-edge crane control and remote monitoring. Like all Soilmec rigs, the SC-90 is self-assembling, versatile, and easily transportable.


- Hydromill

- Hydraulic/cable grab

- Hammer grab

- Hydraulic vibrator

- Hydraulic/mechanical rotary 

- General lifting

Pile driving

- Dragline

- Dynamic compaction

- Casing oscillator