SM-17 — Soilmec North America


WEIGHT              39683 lb*

POWER               214 hp

TORQUE             27289 lb·ft*

EXTRACTION    33721  lbf*

DMS                    N/A


The SM-17 is a microdrilling rig for the North American market. It underwent a comprehensive redesign, incorporating a Tier 4i engine that delivers more power and fuel efficiency. The SM-17's modular design is engineered for the execution of micropiles, tie-backs, jet grouting, and mini-piles. Like all Soilmec rigs, the SM-17 is self-assembling, versatile, and easily transportable. 

Standard Equipment:

- Oscillating undercarriage
- Diesel power pack: 160 kW
- Heavy Duty mast 4.8 m stroke
- Cradle with side shifting
- Rotary head: 1400 daNm
- Clamping range 50-315 mm
- Full radio remote control

Optional Equipment: reference data sheet.