SM-18 — Soilmec North America


WEIGHT              43872 lb*

POWER               236 hp

TORQUE             26987 lb·ft*

EXTRACTION    25403  lbf*

DMS                    N/A


The SM-18 is a microdrilling rig from Soilmec. The SM-18's modular design is engineered for the execution of micropiles, tie-backs, anchors, jet grouting, and mini-piles. Like all Soilmec rigs, the SM-18 is self-assembling, versatile, and easily transportable. 

Standard Equipment:

- Hydraulic and proportional controls
- Remote control board
- Low noise design
- Safety features: Emergency stop system, safety status lights, telescopic counterweight & stabilizer
- Variable or 4-speed rotary head
- Twin rotaries or Overburden drilling system
- Vibro-rotary or Sonic applications
- Reverse circulation

Optional equipment: reference data sheet.