SR-125 — Soilmec North America


WEIGHT              281310 lb*

POWER               630 hp

TORQUE             303133 lb·ft*

EXTRACTION    121395lbf*

MAX DIAM.         138 in*

MAX DEPTH       398 ft*

DMS                     STANDARD


The SR-125 is one of the newest rigs in the large diameter piling category. Based on the experience and success of the previous generation, the new line of SR rigs has been designed to improve productivity and operating flexibility to an ever higher degree,

The SR-125 is fitted with the latest masts and rotaries from Soilmec, which reduce overall weight, while adding increased strength, torque, and pull-up capacity compared to previous generations. A larger cab increases visibility, comfort, and includes the latest DMS technology, Like all Soilmec rigs, the SR-125 is self-assembling, versatile, and easily transportable.


- LDP cased bore piles with casing driven directly by rotary head or optionally by casing oscillator powered by the base carrier itself; deep uncased bored piles stabilized by drilling fluid or dry hole

- CFA (Continuous Flight Auger) piles by means of long auger string

- CAP (Cased Augered Piles) piles with double independent rotary system

- DP (Displacement Piles) / TCT (traction compacting tool)

- TJ (Turbojet®) - soil consolidation