SM-28 — Soilmec North America


WEIGHT              89287 lb*

POWER               260 hp

TORQUE             24339 lb·ft*

EXTRACTION    38217  lbf*

DMS                    N/A


The SM-28 is a new multipurpose rig from Soilmec built for quick assembly and transport. It supports a number of applications and attachments, such as top hammer, CFA (w/ clamp & guide), single- and double-rotaries, jet grouting, and rod carousel, with increased flexibility via mast tilt to 18˚. Like all Soilmec rigs, the SM-28 is self-assembling, versatile, and easily transportable. 

Standard Equipment:

- Drill mast 16000mm stroke
- Clamp and breaker 60-430mm
- Pneumatic inline DTH lubricator
- Kinematic mechanism
- Rotary cradle with side shifting
- Service winch
- Load-sensing hydraulic system
- Air/water system & line lubricator for DTH
- Radio remote control
- On-board safety controls
- Telescopic zoom on base body

Optional equipment: reference data sheet.