SM-22 — Soilmec North America


WEIGHT              48501 lb*

POWER               260 hp

TORQUE             33190 lb·ft*

EXTRACTION    42263  lbf*

DMS                    N/A


The SM-22 is the latest iteration of the PSM-1350 and SM-20 microdrilling rigs from Soilmec, It has been completely redesigned with efficiency, productivity, and safety in mind. The SM-22 can be easily configured using single or double rotaries, top-hammer, or vibro-rotary for consolidation, micropiling, and anchoring. It supports a number of drilling technologies, such as direct- and reverse-circulation, DTH, CFA, and jet grouting. Like all Soilmec rigs, the SM-22 is self-assembling, versatile, and easily transportable. 

Standard Equipment:

- Articulated boom for mast positioning
- Kinematic mechanism
- 1450mm stroke cylinder for sliding mast
- Control board on pivoting arm for drilling
- Rotary cradle with side shifting
- Floating system
- Service winch with jib
- Guiding and lay-out device for hydraulic hoses
- Load-sensing hydraulic system
- Air/water system & line lubricator for DTH
- Control board on base frame for positioning
- Wired remote control for tramming

Optional equipment: reference data sheet.